In this article Aliya Khan explains the horrors of this issue as well as how you can help.
Only about 0.04% of survivors of human trafficking cases are identified – this 0.04% includes 40.3 million victims of human trafficking. This article is going to be a grim picture, spine-chilling, or maybe not, because half of us have become immune to crimes like sexual assaults, forced labor, organ removal for sale, etc. and I would like you all to discover the
depths of it, to understand the gravity of this heinous crime fostering $150billion (2/3 rd from commercial sexual exploitation) each year. Every year, millions of men(21%), women(51%), and children(28%) are secretly transported across borders or within, sold like commodities, for the sole purpose of exploitation: sexual slavery, forced labor, organs removal, etc, a crime that violates human rights in every aspect. The trafficking of humans is the world’s fastest-growing crimes, so then why isn’t the mainstream media talking about it? The society has adapted itself to this barbaric milieu, and the authorities are oblivious to the atrocities committed around the world. Sex Trafficking (a form of human trafficking) is one of the unpardonable crimes of this diabolical world – victims of all ages, are bought and sold like fickle objects, only to be beaten and sexually abused by numerous men, multiple times at different places. Human Traffickers lure their victims by using charm, lies, and deception, promising a better life and luxuriant opportunities to make money. Victims of human trafficking, having placed their trust in the traffickers, soon discover that those promises of a "better life’ or ‘good wages’ were false. It petrifies me to think about the psychological trauma the victims go through PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder), depression, anxiety, panic disorder, etc. The emotional wounds are deep, and they are scarred for life. In an article by, the link between sex trafficking and porn industries was exposed by the victims of sex trafficking:
“There have always been teen girls and boys in the adult porn industry. I was one of
those. I was 14 when I was trafficked in porn.”
“I was caught in the middle of that cold system of supply and demand as a 14-year-old girl.
And the brutality of those 3 years of being trafficked in porn nearly killed me.”
Human trafficking is a global issue, it is a plague, and we must stand up against it.
1. Check where you eat and shop from. Calculate the slavery footprint and know which goods
could have been produced by child laborers.
2. Learn the red flags and indicators of traffickers.
3. Stay informed and support anti-trafficking organizations in any way you can.
You can also sign the petition below: