In this article Jardar Alai brings awareness to this foul practice along with a petition you can sign to bring this to an end.
Photo Credit: Fox News
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has a long history of discriminating against other religious people and people of their ethnicity as well. One of the religions that is being systematically discriminated against is the religion called Falun Gong.
Falun Gong also known as Falun Dafa is a religion that combines old ancient Chinese teaching with meditation. The core beliefs of Falun Gong is truth, compassion and tolerance. Falun Gong has a large following in China and the religion is spread over 100 Countries.
In the 90s, the beliefs of Falun Gong were popular and the Chinese government did not take that lightly. In June of 1999 the CCP created office 610. The point of office 610 is to ruin the reputation of Falun Gong and to silence the believers of Falun Gong.
The CCP has taken away the citizenship of believers of Falun Gong. Falun Gong like the Uyghur Muslims are being forced into concentration camps. In the camps they are being brainwashed to believe their faith is false and they are in addition being faced to physical and mental torture. For example, Falun Gong believers are tortured with electroshock. Over 4000 Falun Gong have been killed after torture.
In 2006 it was discovered that organs transplant that Chinese hospitals operate on patients are from prisoners from concentration camps. The Falun Gong prisoners are mostly killed for their organs but Tibetans Buddhist, Uyghur Muslims and christians are also getting killed for their organs.
The money that the patients pay is transferred to the CCP as funds for ethnic cleansing of the minority groups. For instance, if a patient needs a liver it will cost 110,000 dollars or a new lung it will cost 160,000 dollars.
Many foreigners come to China to buy different organs cheaply and many of those organs come from prisoners from concentration camps but the governments of Israel, Spain, Taiwan, Italy and Norway have made laws forbidding their citizens to travel to china to get an organ transplant.
You readers can go and stop organ harvesting of prisoners in China if you go and sign this petition.
Soruces: Falun Gong Norge,Falun Gong I Kina: drepes for sine organer 12.01.2021